Using ebooks at an academic library is different than personal ebooks or ebooks you check out from a public library. They are accessible from several different websites (platforms) and what a user is allowed to do with an ebook depends on the host platform's functionality and restrictions imposed by the publisher.
If the text does not load in your window, you may need to perform browser updates, disable pop-up blockers, or try using a different browser. If you continue to have problems loading the page, please contact us using the library's Ask Us service.
Only download the entire ebook when you will need the book during times of no internet connection. To do so, you will need to make a personal account with the ebook provider and you will need to have, or create, an Adobe account. When you do a full book 'check out,' make sure you log into your personal account when you try to access the book on a different device.
Visit the library's Ebooks guide for more information about our various collections.