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WorldCat Discovery (WCD): Finding Articles in WCD

Find journal articles, books, and more

When to search for articles in WCD

When you need to find scholarly articles on a topic, librarians recommend searching one or more of the recommended databases on the research guide for your subject. However, there are times when you might choose to search for articles in WorldCat Discovery (WCD). We describe two scenarios on this page.

Find a full article from a citation

Imagine that, while looking at a list of references, you found a citation for a journal article that you want to read. How can you find the full text?

Clauhs, M., & Sanguinetti, R. (2022). Music teacher attitudes toward popular music education. Music Education Research, 24(5), 549–563.

Go to WorldCat Discovery's Advanced Search page, enter the article title in the Title box, and search.

screenshot of WCD advanced title search

When the full article is available from Shenandoah, you will see a button labeled either "View PDF" or "View full text."

screenshot of an article result

If the article is not found in WCD

Try entering the article and the journal title in the library's A to Z article search.

If the article is not available at Shenandoah

You may request a copy through interlibrary loan.

Find articles across academic disciplines

If you aren't sure which subject guide or database might be best to start your article search, you may try searching for articles in WCD.

Go to the Advanced Search page, and enter some search terms. In this example, the researcher is looking for articles about religion and climate change in the United States. Note that all three search boxes are set to "keyword."

screenshot of advanced topic search

Scroll down the page to "Search Tools." In this example, the researcher wants to find only peer-reviewed articles published since 2015 that are available through Shenandoah University Libraries.

screenshot of advanced search tools

After making your selections, click Search to get the list of results. If needed, you can adjust your search using the limiters on the left side of the results page.