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WorldCat Discovery (WCD): Quick Start

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About WorldCat Discovery (WCD)

What is WorldCat Discovery?

A search system that helps you discover items in Shenandoah's collections and in other libraries worldwide.

What does WorldCat Discovery search?

  • Books, ebooks, articles, media, and more;
  • All items physically located within the library;
  • Content from our digital collections;
  • Items from other libraries worldwide that you can request through interlibrary loan.

How do I start using WorldCat Discovery?

Basic Search in WorldCat Discovery

1. Enter your search terms (author, title, or keywords).

2. When the list of results appears, use the limits along the left side of the page to focus your search.

screenshot of selected limiters in WorldCat Discovery

This example shows results of a search for music education with the limits for books available at Shenandoah University Libraries applied.