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Media & Communication: Scholarly & Popular Sources

Resources and support for Media & Communication students

What sources can I use?

Ultimately, your professor sets the expectations for which sources you can and can't use. Generally, scholarly journal articles and scholarly books are more reliable and authoritative than those written for popular audiences.

Characteristics of Scholarly, Popular, and Trade Publications
  Scholarly Popular Trade
Example American Journal of Psychology cover Psychology Today cover Monitor on Psychology cover
Audience Academic researchers General audience Professionals in the business
Authors Unpaid experts and specialists Paid staff and freelance journalists and writers Paid staff writers and industry experts
Editors Unpaid editors and peer reviewers Paid editors Paid editors
Articles Usually 10-20 pages, sophisticated text with few charts, graphs, or illustrations Usually 1-3 pages, easy-to-read text with full-color illustrations Usually 2-4 pages, easy-to-read text with professional jargon and full-color illustrations
Citations Almost always, many Rarely, few Sometimes, few

Know your resources

Comparison of scholarly journals, popular magazines, and trade journals
  Scholarly Popular Trade
Example American Journal of Psychology cover Psychology Today cover Monitor on Psychology cover
Audience Academic researchers General public Professionals in the business
Authors Unpaid experts and specialists Paid staff and freelance journalists and writers Paid staff writers and industry experts
Editors Unpaid editors and peer reviewers Paid editors Paid editors
Citations Almost always, many Rarely, few Sometimes, few