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Borrowing: Placing Holds

Placing a Hold for an Available Item

1. From WorldCat Discovery search results, select the title of the book you want to request.

Placing a Hold #1

2. On the book's details page, click the blue Place Hold button.

Placing a Hold #2

3. Identify yourself as SU Current Student, Faculty, & Staff. To skip this screen in the future, remember to check the box labeled "Remember my selection."

4. Enter your SU email address and password (same password that you use for Canvas and Hornet Hub).

Placing a Hold #4

5. Unless you need to request Materials by Mail, leave the default options selected and click Submit.

Placing a Hold #5

6. Note the request acknowledgment. You will receive an email notification when your item is available to pick up.

Placing a Hold #6

Placing a Hold for a Checked-Out Item

1. From WorldCat Discovery search results, select the title of the checked-out book you want to request.

Placing a Hold for a Checked-Out Item #1

2. On the book's details page, click the View Details link.

Placing a Hold for a Checked-Out Item #2

3. In the availability details at the bottom of the book page, click the blue Place Hold button.

Placing a Hold for a Checked-Out Item #3

4. Identify yourself as SU Current Student, Faculty, & Staff. To skip this screen in the future, remember to check the box labeled "Remember my selection."

5. Enter your SU email address and password (same password that you use for Canvas and Hornet Hub).

6. Unless you need to request Materials by Mail, leave the default options selected and click Submit.

Placing a Hold for a Checked-Out Item #6

7. Note the request acknowledgment. You will receive an email notification when your item is available to pick up.

Placing a Hold for a Checked-Out Item #7