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Pharmacy: Citation Format & Other Guides

School of Pharmacy Reference

English Vocabulary

Types of Literature

Characteristics of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources in the Sciences
Primary Secondary Tertiary
Authors report the results of their own study, in which they collected and analyzed data, often in the field or in the laboratory; also called empirical research. Authors summarize previously published studies and discuss trends, patterns, and relationships among them. Authors provide a general overview and factual information about a topic.
Formats: original research articles, dissertations, technical reports, and conference presentations Formats: books and literature review articles, including systematic reviews and meta-analyses Formats: fact sheets, guidelines, textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks
Example: Tadros, M., et al. (2023). Preferences of university students for a psychological intervention designed to improve sleep: Focus group study. JMIR human factors, 10, e44145. Example: Wang, F., & Bíró, É. (2021). Determinants of sleep quality in college students: A literature review. Explore, 17(2), 170–177. Example: Centers for Disease Control. (2024, May 22). FastStats: Sleep in adults. Sleep.