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Archives and Special Collections: Welcome


University Archives

The Huffer-McAdams Memorial Archives, known as the University Archives, is on the second floor of Smith Library. This collection houses the Shenandoah Collection of archival materials relating to the history of the university. Annual reports and financial statements, accreditation self-studies, and the Zynodoa yearbook are examples of publications found in this area. Additionally, the collection includes publications by current and former faculty and alumni, as well as books and materials concerning the history and development of the university. Access is available by appointment.

We are Celebrating 150 Years! - 1875-2025

150 year celebration logo  "In 1875, the university was founded in Dayton, Virginia as Shenandoah High School. Over the next 85 years, the institution changed names six times but always kept “Shenandoah” as part of its name. Dayton was Shenandoah’s home for 85 years. Beginning in 1956, Shenandoah President Dr. Forrest Racey began the conversation with business leaders, like James Wilkins Sr., to move the school to Winchester. Shenandoah opened its doors in Winchester in September 1960. In 1991, we became Shenandoah University." taken from SU About Us

Check out our new digital archive! Our repository contains old photographs, yearbooks, catalogs, with more to come.

Music Archive

Recordings from the Shenandoah Conservatory are located in the Music Archives on the first floor of Smith Library. Access is limited by appointment. Please contact Kathy Evans, Reference & Archives Librarian, at 

Special Collections

Norman Heim Collection

The Norman Heim Collection consists of more than 4,000 scores for woodwinds in general and clarinet in particular. The collection is a gift from noted clarinetist and teacher Dr. Norman Heim, professor emeritus at the University of Maryland, and includes copies of his own compositions. The collection is organized and cataloged in a Google Sheets database. The Heim collection does not circulate. For more information, contact Kathy Evans in the Reference Department.

See link below for a listing and description of our other special collections.

Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) Archives

Shenandoah University is the repository for all historical records of ministers and churches of the Virginia Conference of the United Brethren in Christ and Evangelical United Brethren churches prior to 1968, the date of the merger with the Methodist Church.  The materials are housed in the Gruver-Souders UB/EUB Archives which are located in the Alson H. Smith, Jr. Library, on Shenandoah’s Winchester campus. Materials found in this archives include minister biographies, sermons and obituaries; conference minutes; old church directories; local church histories; old labeled pictures; shape note hymn books; Women’s Missionary albums; and decorative plates with church pictures on them.

picture of Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) Women in Ministry

Women have always had an important role at Shenandoah and with the UB/EUB church. This display is located in basement of Smith Library.

Other EUB Archives

Archives Librarian

Profile Photo
Kathy Evans



General Donation Policy

Items we do not accept:

  • materials unrelated to the university or outside of our scope
  • materials that are duplicative of items already in our collections
  • secondary or published material unrelated to Shenandoah University
  • plaques and trophies will little informational value
  • materials on deposit
  • rare books that do not pertain to our history
  • student files including transcripts, grades and degrees
  • items that contain excessive or irreparable mold or similar damage
  • reappointment/tenure files
  • art (paintings, sculpture, etc.) that are unrelated to our history 

If we decline a donation, we will do our best to help you identify another home for the material.

When in doubt, please do not throw it out!