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Ebooks: EBSCO & ProQuest

Information to help access SU Library's largest book collection.

Using EBSCO Ebooks

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Searching in the Ebook Collection is very similar to searching in any EBSCO database. When viewing search results in EBSCO databases, you  may:

  1. Click the book's title to view its detailed record page. The book's record page includes options for viewing and downloading, as well as the tools to save, cite, and link to the book.
  2. View the book instantly in your browser by clicking on PDF Full Text or Epub Full Text.
  3. If you need to read the whole book while offline, you can download it. The process varies with different devices.

EBSCO ebook example

To view a book in your browser, select the PDF Full Text link or EPUB Full Text link either

  • on the results page or
  • on the left side of the book record.

If the text does not load in your window, you may need to perform browser updates, disable pop-up blockers, or try using a different browser. If you continue to have problems loading the page, please contact us using the library's Ask Us service.

After opening the ebook, navigate by clicking on the hyperlinked chapters in the table of contents or by clicking the advance buttons at the bottom of the page. The options to save, send, cite, etc. are still available at the top of the screen. 

Downloading an ebook allows for offline reading. You must create a personal EBSCO account (separate from your SU account) to be able to download a book. 

In order to view the book on your computer or iPad after downloading it, you will need

Learn more about using EBSCO ebooks on mobile devices.

ProQuest Ebook Central

Currently, only a few of Shenandoah's ebooks are on the Ebook Central platform.

Reading in the Browser (Recommended)

Downloading Ebooks from ProQuest Ebook Central